Tim Cook décrit les employés d'Apple et les clients tout en superlatifs, et il s'attarde sur les contributions, périphériques, provenant de l'activité de son entreprise :
Et je suis fier de vous dire que Apple est aussi une force pour le bien dans le monde, au-delà de nos produits. Qu'il s'agisse de l'amélioration des conditions de travail ou de l'environnement, de défendre les droits de l'homme, d'aider à éliminer le SIDA, ou de réinventer l'éducation, Apple apporte une contribution importante à la société.
Rien de tout cela n'aurait été possible sans vous. Notre ressource la plus importante n'est pas notre argent, notre propriété intellectuelle, ni nos biens. Notre ressource la plus importante - notre âme - est nos salariés.
Tous les ans, Apple accorde et paye trois jours de repos, cette fois du 25 au 27 novembre, en prolongement à la fête de Thanksgiving. Ou à d'autres dates pour les employés de permanence ou travaillant dans les filiales.
Le texte complet de la lettre, obtenu par 9to5mac :
It’s been an exciting summer. For the first time, we’ve launched two new iPhone product lines. iOS 7 was created from a deep collaboration between our design and engineering teams, bringing to our customers a stunning new user interface and amazing new features. We unveiled OS X Mavericks and the most powerful Mac ever. The App Store celebrated a new milestone — 50 billions downloads. And we continued to express our love for music with iTunes Radio and the iTunes Festival.
I had the opportunity to visit a few of our stores during the iPhone launch. There is no better place to see and feel why Apple is special. The best products on Earth. Energy. Enthusiasm. The best customers in the world. Passionate team members focused on enriching people’s lives. Innovative products that serve humanity’s deepest values and highest aspirations.
And I am proud to tell you that Apple is also a force for good in our world beyond our products. Whether it’s improving working conditions or the environment, standing up for human rights, helping eliminate AIDS, or reinventing education, Apple is making a substantial contribution to society.
None of this would have been possible without you. Our most important resource is not our money, our intellectual property, or any capital asset. Our most important resource — our soul — is our people.
I realize many of you worked tirelessly to bring us this far. I know it required great personal sacrifice.
In recognition of your incredible efforts and achievements, I’m happy to announce that we’re extending the Thanksgiving holiday this year. We will shut down with pay on November 25, 26, and 27 so our teams can have the whole week off. Retail, AppleCare and a few other teams will need to work that week so we can continue to serve our customers, but will receive the same number of days off at an alternate time. Please check with your manager for details. Our international teams will schedule the vacation days at a time that is best suited for their specific country.
I hope you find the extra time restful and relaxing. You deserve it. Details will be available on AppleWeb soon.
I am exceedingly proud of all of you. I am in awe of what you’ve accomplished and couldn’t be more excited about the future. Enjoy the time away!